Saving Time

Quinn Bennet moves back into their grandparents' house after their passing, and while unpacking/going through some of their grandparents' things, they find a magical pocket watch that transports them 20 years into the future. They find that 20 years from their move-in around 1987 the town is bleak and the people are miserable. Caring about the townspeople they grew up with, they vow to find the cause and to go back in time to fix things.

Originally designed, illustrated, and written during a 48 hour game jam, Saving Time is a choice-based choose-your-own-adventure RPG about building and maintaining community.

I was the sole artist on Saving Time, developed alongside a small team of four including myself, Amari O’Connor, Matthew Merritt, and Michael Merritt. I illustrated and animated each character, environment, and minigame.