Media Mastery

Media Mastery is a branching-narrative, 2D, social media simulation game for late-middle schoolers and high schoolers. Follow the online, daily timeline of a town’s local high school leading up to their prom and graduation by scrolling through posts, as well as special events that occur based on certain post interactions or dialogue choices. Learn how to navigate interpersonal relations on the internet through a realistic social media simulation.

Developed alongside Welcome2Reality, Media Mastery is a game to help underrepresented high schoolers and middle schoolers internet safety and navigation, as well as cyber civility and responsibility.

I was the sole artist on Media Mastery, developed alongside a small team of four including myself, Amari O’Connor, Matthew Merritt, and Michael Merritt, liaising with the Welcome2Reality team. I illustrated the social media images within the game, as well as the UI and background elements.